Step-by-Step Guide to Update Windows ADK and WinPE addon on SCCM Server
Step-by-Step Guide to Update Windows ADK and WinPE addon on SCCM Server
What is Windows ADK?
The Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit contains set of tools that you need to customize Windows images for large-scale deployment. You can use the tools to test the quality and performance of your system and applications running on it.
Every new release of Windows ADK is better than it’s previous version. It is almost difficult to remember what was added in particular version of ADK. So always refer this article to know what’s new in every version of Windows ADK.
What is Windows PE Add-on for Windows ADK?
Starting with Windows 10, version 1809, Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE) is released separately from the Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK). To add Windows PE to your ADK installation, download the Windows PE Add-on and run the included installer after installing the ADK.
Windows 10 ADK Features
The Windows ADK includes the following features. While you are installing Windows 10 ADK, you can select the below features to install them.
Note – If you are installing Windows ADK on SCCM Server, you might probably look to select only Deployment Tools and User state migration tool features.
Application Compatibility Tools
Deployment Tools
Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE)
Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD)
Configuration Designer
User State Migration Tool (USMT)
Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT)
Windows Performance Toolkit
Windows Assessment Toolkit
Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V)
Application Virtualization Sequencer (App-V)
Microsoft Application Virtualization Auto Sequencer (App-V)
Media experience Analyzer
Download Windows ADK and WinPE Addon
Before we proceed further let’s download Windows ADK and WinPE addon from the here.
Download the Windows ADK for Windows 10 version 1903 – Direct link Download ADK 1903
Download the Windows PE add-on for the ADK – Download link Download WinPE 1903
Step one
Uninstall Windows ADK, go to program and features and uninstall
Step two
Uninstall WinPE addon
Step three
Install windows ADK. IN my case I have used the option to download the files on a windows 10 computer with internet connection and than used offline option on SCCM server.
Run adksetup.exe and wait for download to finish.
Copy the files on SCCM server and run again ADK, this time in offline mode. Select Deployent tools and USMT.
Step four
Install WinPE add-on, run setup adkwinpesetup.exe offline or online, depends of your SCCM env. In my case I have downloaded the files on my windows 10 machine with free internet access than copied the files on sccm server and run from there offline.
Reboot the server, see official document from Microsft: sccm/osd/get-started/manage-boot-images
Step five
Update Boot Images on DP's
Very important, after you finish to install Windows ADK you need to updates boot images on Distribution Points.
To update the boot image go to Software Library > Overview > Operating Systems > Boot Images
Right click Boot Image and click Update Distribution Points
Check the box “Reload this boot image with the current Windows PE version from the Windows ADK“. Click Next.
That was all, easy no, happy SCCM-ing :) !