Install with SCCM apps using .bat and .exe files

 SCCM, install a .exe program using a .bat file for more options. 

Today I was forced to work with a small video editor, the packaging wasn’t so easy, This app wasn’t built for an enterprise environment. .exe wrapping can’t handle to many installation parameters. My problem is after installation no app shortcut in windows 10 start menu or desktop, for some reasons the app put the shortcut in root of C: drive. 

For more complex installation we can use a batch fie (.bat) with more instructions/actions. In my case 

First action install the app 

Second copy the shortcut on all users desktop. My .bat file looks like: 

start /w "" "%~dp0MovaviVideoSuiteSetupE.exe" /S /D="C:\Program Files\Movavi"

copy c:\"Movavi Video Suite 18.lnk" C:\Users\Public\Desktop

Now about commands:

start /w "" "%~dp0setup.exe" /s
%~dp0 => is replaced with the FULL PATH upon execution of batch.
/w => tells start to wait for exe to complete before moving on.

C:\Users\Public\Desktop it will copy the shortcut for each user in the system.